Availability of special sizes upon request
When placing your order, please note that SQ uses European sizes.
There are two methods to find your ring size:
1- Measure your Finger Method
2- Measure your Existing Ring Method
To find your perfect fit Please print our SQ Ring Size Guide. Print Ring Guide
هناك طريقتان لمعرفة مقاس خاتمك:
1- طريقة قياس الإصبع
2- طريقة قياس الخاتم الحالي
لإيجاد المقاس المثالي لك، يرجى طباعة دليل مقاسات الخواتم أداة قياس الخاتم للطباعة.
Measure your Wrist
To determine your bracelet size, we strongly advise that you measure the size of your wrist rather than the size of another bracelet
1- Using a length of string or ribbon, wrap it around the base of your wrist. To ensure a comfortable bracelet fit, we recommend measuring the thickest part of the wrist, usually the wrist joint.
2- With a pen, mark the point on the string where the end meets.
3- Measure the string in mm with a ruler.
4- Use the size chart on this page. Look for the size you found with the tool in the 1st column (“wrist circumference”) to then find the right size by SQ collection.
To find your perfect fit Please print our SQ Bracelet Size Guide. Print Bracelet Guide
قس معصمك
لتحديد حجمك المناسب، ننصحك بقياس حجم معصمك بدلًا من قياس حجم سوار آخر
Our Necklaces Vary in Length
Consider the shape and size of the necklace pendantbefore determining the perfect length.
تختلف أطوال قلاداتنا يرجى مراعاة شكل وحجم قلادة العنق قبل تحديد الطول المثالي.
Ring Size Guide PDF
In order to choose the right size for your SQ ring, please print out this A4 sheet, selecting "actual size" in your printing options. Once it has been printed out, check that the scale is correct by using the line below: its length must correspond to that of a credit card (86mm).
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